Chianina cattle

General information about the breed of cattle

The porcelain-white Chianinas (Razza Chianina) also known as “the white giants from Italy” are one of the oldest and most noble cattle breeds in the world. Chiusi, in the southeastern tip of Tuscany, adjacent to Umbria, was once the royal city of the Etruscans. Cattle were bred in the valleys of the middle Tiber and Chiana rivers 2.500 years ago. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, the big farmers and their half-rent farm laborers kept the mighty porcelain-white oxen as load and transport animals, which explains their large scope.

In the early thirties, the government commissioned the zoological institute of the University of Florence with a breeding plan. The “breed” of Chianina beef has become so standardized and soon praised as the best in Italy or even the world.

The bulls are on average 1.80 meters tall and reach a weight of 1500 kilograms. The cows reach up to 1.60 meters and weigh around 800 kilograms.

The most striking feature of the impressive breed of cattle, however, is the initial brown coat at birth, which assumes a porcelain white color in the adult animal. This circumstance also gives the Chianina cattle its special nickname.

In 1955, the Chianina bull “Donetto” in Arezzo set a cattle weight record of 1740 kg, which is still valid today. *
On November 8, 2007, the Chianina ox “Fiorino” came in the Guinness Book of Records with a withers height of 2.05 m.

* Source: Wikipedia

Bistecca alla Fiorentina

or Fiorentina – steak are probably the best known terms used in the context of Chianina cattle in terms of meat production.

An exquisite specialty in Italy. You get a real Bistecca alla Fiorentina only in a restaurant of Italy, if it is characterized by a sign at the entrance as “amici della chianina”, so as friends of Chianina.

The juicy meat impresses with its aroma and a high protein content. This gives the meat an impressive delicacy and an incomparable taste.
